Thursday, July 28, 2011


Nothing too exciting happened yesterday. Had a big fight with my girlfriend and that wasn't fun, but things seem to be okay again now. Food-wise I did well. I actually ended up eating less than I planned to, and not even on purpose. I had a whole list of things I was going to eat yesterday and I didn't make it through before I went to sleep. I'm kind of disappointed that only one person commented on my last entry (and thank you Kate for doing so). :/ Oh well. Better luck this time hopefully.

2 6oz cups of plain black coffee (4)
1 red delicious apple (110)
1/2 slice 12" thin crust pepperoni (100)
2 slices Sara Lee 100% whole wheat bread (150)
1 slice pepper jack cheese (70)
1 oz avocado (45)
2 slices of tomato (7)
10 croutons (12)
8 sliced jalapeno rings (2)
1 piece sugar free Stride gum (4)
Total: 504 calories/25% RDI


  1. I just finished reading through your blog. I'm going to have to try to make that soup of yours, it sounds delicious. Well done on the intake today, I hope the rest of your week goes well.


  2. Don't worry hun, that happens in the blogger-world- randomly, a post doesn't get much attention. Isn't it strange when you eat less than you allowed yourself to? I always feel odd about it. Good luck today, and I hope you and your girl are doing well now!

  3. I'm so proud of you - that's fantastic.

    Also, thank you for your lovely comment on my last post. I'm so sorry about what happened to you. Abuse is a trend that I see in a lot of disordered girls, and each case is tragic. It was difficult to write about but the support is wonderful and it is helping a lot.

    I have a lot of love for you as one of the few girls I follow who have been even close to my weight, and you inspire me a lot. :)


  4. Sorry about the fight with your girl friend! I'm sure things will smooth over soon. Good luck with today's intake, girly.

    xx Jax

  5. Your intake is perfect, love it, girl!!
