Wednesday, July 13, 2011

OMFG... what a day

I got a few hours of sleep last night and got up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to do what I needed to do. I picked Brittany up and we ended up getting lost for a few minutes on the way to the plasma bank, but it was an easy fix and we got there right on time. I called ahead yesterday to find out how long it would take and to schedule an appointment, because I was supposed to be at work at 11 am, although I called my manager last night and let her know I wouldn't be in until 11:30 today. So the plasma bank told us to come at 8 and we would be done by 11, except they LIED. They didn't even get Brittany hooked up in the back until just after 11, and then me after her. Luckily her donation went off without a hitch (which is unfair because she used to be anemic and I never have been!), but I had a ton of problems.

They stabbed my right arm first because the vein was clearest there, but after one round of the plasma the machine started beeping and apparently the problem was something called "high pressure," meaning my vein wasn't allowing my separated blood to be pushed back into my arm at a regular speed. The nurse tried adjusting the needle and ended up blowing my vein. A pool of blood ended up under my skin and now I have a hideous bruise. I look like a junkie. So then they stabbed my left arm and everything seemed to be going okay. I didn't have any more pain and only mild discomfort as the machine did its thing, and I managed to give the entire amount I was supposed to.

The final step after they push your blood back into you is to push saline into your veins, to make up for some of the fluid you've lost by giving up plasma. This is when the problems started. I was fine at first with only minimal teeth chattering, which the lady said was normal. Then it escalated and soon my entire body was shaking uncontrollably, I was freezing cold, my hands and feet started tingling, and then I couldn't feel hardly anything in them, and then I got sharp pain under my ribs when I tried to breath, and I almost went into a panic-like attack where it was hard for me to breathe at a normal rate. They had to call a nurse and it took a good thirty minutes for me to completely return to normal, and she had to take my vitals a few times and make me answer all these questions before she let me up. I don't know why my body reacted so badly. I ate plenty, and I DO mean plenty, and I drank a ton of water.

This really irks me. Why can't I just help someone without it having an adverse effect on me? Every time I give regular blood at the Red Cross I get dizzy and sometimes they have to put a cold towel on my neck and forehead, but it has never, ever been this severe before. I don't know what wrong. All I know is that that was kind of scary and I didn't get out of there until after 1:30 in the afternoon, so obviously I didn't end up going to work today. Luckily my manager is very understanding and she didn't get mad at me. Also, we got the money we needed to cover Brittany's bills. I took her to pay said bills before driving her home and then driving myself home. I took a nap and woke up around 6 pm. Then I had to go pick my dad up from the bus station because he just got back in town from his two-week vacation. He was kind of a selfish ass and totally ungrateful I was doing him a favor, so needless to say our reunion wasn't the most pleasant.

When I told him the reason I wasn't there promptly at 6 pm to pick him up was because I was sleeping, he didn't even bother to ask if something had happened. He just went right into being upset that my entire world doesn't revolve around his schedule, not even considering that maybe something was wrong and that I'd been sleeping with good reason. Oh poor him, he had to wait twenty minutes for me to go get him. That must have just been awful. Anyway, we didn't speak at all on the car ride home after our little tiff, and I finally bitched at him when we got back to the apartment about how he couldn't just be nice to me, and he couldn't see any flaw in his behavior. Finally I told him what had happened during my day and he showed minimal concern, but whatever.

Now, on to diet-related things. I ate almost a full 2,000 calories today because of what I underwent. I didn't want to be unhealthy, and even eating that much I still managed to come THIS close to passing out. *pinches fingers together* But that's all over with now and I can get back on track. I've been drinking plenty of water to replace the fluids I lost, but I've also just done another sea salt cleanse. Rather, I just drank the disgusting liter of sea salt water and now I'm waiting for it to work its mojo on my bowels. Fun stuff! I'm hoping it will wash away all that nasty, icky Taco Bell and McDonald's greasy fat-causing calorie-packed shit. I really don't want that in me longer than necessary. I'm planning to attempt a fast tomorrow all day since I was supposed to do one today for my ABC diet, but that obviously didn't happen.

So here's what I had to eat today...
1 McDonald's fruit 'n yogurt parfait w/o granola (130)
1 McDonald's sausage biscuit (regular not large) (430)
3 oz Tyson buffalo style chicken strips (190)
1 1/2 tbsp ranch dressing (105)
2 Taco Bell beefy melt burritos (940)
1 piece Stride sugar free spearmint gum (4)
1 cup 2% milk (120)
That puts me at 1,919 calories/96% RDI. I feel like I ate a whale and it's not a good feeling, and now my tummy is angry because I shoved a liter of gross sea salty water into it. *pouts* This day just isn't going my way no matter how I slice it and dice it. At least I was able to help Brittany out without breaking my own bank account, not that I wouldn't have if it had come to that, but I'm glad it didn't. I hope you have all had a better time of it today than I have. Stay strong girls! My thoughts and support are with you, even if I suck at commenting. :)

@Camille - I still can't get it to let me comment on your blog. I didn't have this problem until you switched to the white layout. I wonder wtf is wrong with it? lmao Anyway, I read your blog and I hope you stay well during your class. Good luck with the fasting, as long as you don't end up hurting yourself. You are gorgeous so try not to be so hard on yourself. :) We all slip up sometimes and then have to find our footing again, but you will get there. I believe in you, and thank you for your endless support and lovely comments. Pink positive! :D

@Annie - Thank you for the comments :) I am indeed already getting back on track with the dieting. I am doing the cleanse over again to clear out my system and then I plan to fast tomorrow. If I eat it will be extremely minimal. I will probably just stuff myself with ice water and tea and keep my mouth occupied with chewing gum. Tomorrow is Thursday... Thursday means Harry Potter. *squeaks for joy*

1 comment:

  1. ahh I cant wait for harry potter! my boyfriend said he would pick up tickets, I'm not sure if he did... Im going to be so mad if they sell out.
    Sorry to hear that the donation didn't go as well as you hoped, glad that you are all right now though
