Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 8 of 28 (Vlog 2)

The scale said 161.6 this morning. *does a happy dance* Only 1.6lbs to go until progress pics! :D The gross diarrhea seems to have stopped today. I hope it doesn’t come back because I just don’t need to deal with that while I’m out and about, trying to get stuff done. I just have SO much to do today! *dies* I took some cold medicine last night before bed because my nose has been running like a leaky faucet for the last two and a half days, but it only does it when I’m standing or sitting up, and it’s not stuffed. I can breathe just fine. Bizarre, right? O.o The meds don’t seem to have done any good and I don’t have any other cold symptoms, so I guess I don’t have a cold… This is just weird. I guess I better run along now and get started on my to-do list. *le sigh* I will update later lovelies.


I did another vlog for you guys :) I have to apologize ahead of time because I do NOT look fabulous. lol My voice is cracking and I still have a bit of a runny nose, which I hate, hate, hate. At least there was no vomiting or diarrhea today. That was a plus. Anyway, here is my video. Please don't judge me for looking like crapola.

@missinsanity. - lol! Well you might not puke, you never know... I hope you don't anyway. It was gross. I feel a lot better today than yesterday. It's cool that you started ahead of time ^^ I hope it goes really well for you.

@Sammy - hahaha - that foul beast. *shakes head* Silly thing. It is sometimes hard for me to resist the pizza, I will admit, because I used to love it soooo much. Now I just have to breathe deep and remind myself that what I want in the long run is more important that a slice of pizza now. I can have a slice when I'm thinner and then I can go work it off at the gym. lol I wish I didn't have to do anything for the next few weeks and I could just lounge around and watch TV. *sigh* At least I'm off of work for two more days. Woo!

@Christina - hehe ^^ I know... I get bored and antsy so easily when I'm at home and not working, and my blog is kind of like my personal playground. I feel like I can say pretty much whatever I want and it's a safe environment. I don't feel like I will be judged as harshly as I would in RL.

@STFUsarah - Aw! I didn't even know you were reading my blog regularly. ^^ Of course I don't mind. Thankies!


  1. Congrats on the weight loss :) Looking at the Goals box with all the marks crossed off makes me totally jealous of your dedication I seem to lack. Your getting close to some rewards :) Keep it up!

  2. Okay so really? You're really doing amazing and looking that amazing AND WORKING(!!!) while on a month-long water fast!! I'm.. impressed. And probably ignorant and naive. I'm sure you knew you'd be fine... I'm glad we're blogger friends. :)

  3. Glad you are feeling better! You are so strong to keep going. You deserve the loss <3

  4. Congrats to you! I've wanted to do a 30 day water fast in September. I have to shrink my stomach some more so I don't throw my body completely out of whack. Keep up the good work. (:

  5. No one I know irl know about my food problem.. I could sit and watch the first pic for hours, haha! Then pills are called "Red stack" with guarana, thebroma cacau seeds and synephrine. I'm really curious on the noodles, would be awesome if they could keep me for a while.

    Glad your problems stopped and keep up the good work!

  6. oh my god! 161.6. you are on fire, milady! you will so be tiny at the end of this! i have to do something to drop this weight off me. everyone else is losing except me. XD.
    oh. my. god. you're still pretty ^___^
    yay for no work! pizza is definitely the work of the devil i'm presuming. why make something so beautiful and delicious whilst so fattening? two slices doesn't even remotely feel like a lot most times. i can shove four, a salad, and garlic bread.
    when i heard 'university', i looked at the bar beside me. 20 years old. ohhhh. you look younger! ;) *that's always a good thing*. unless you're 12 months old, then if i say you look a year younger, you're pretty much non-existent.
    wooow. everything seems so confusing. gah. -___- *huggles* i hope everything makes more sense in the world. and is easier. it sounds like everything's way OVERcomplicated for no reason from what i've heard.
    that's a lot of stuff for one day. O___o i just sit down here and stare at my screen.
    i can't get over your hair and how you randomly play with it. it's a cute habit! ;D
    ahahaha. now that i'm done admiring your prettiness, i will disappear! <3 <3 <3

  7. If there is one thing I hate about university it is how freaking unorganised it is. It drives me nuts.

    I hope you didn't tire yourself out too much today doing all of that. I have no idea where you get your energy from. Can't wait for the progress pictures either, you're so close!
    I'll have to try and take some more of myself this weekend.

    Stay safe!

  8. Wow i wish i had your motivation :)
    The simultaneous puking/pooing sounded horrible but im happy you got through it and that it wasnt permanent.
    Your weightloss is defo working btw your face lookes smaller than it did on your last vlog.
    Stay strong :) xx

  9. NICE JOB! keep going girl!

    btw you are so pretty :)

  10. You're beautiful! And extremely brave
    Elly <3
