Thursday, August 11, 2011

160.2 & Progress Pics

Sooooo guys... here they are! I know I am still an enormous cow *shamed* but it's better than I looked at 180. I'm decidedly paranoid that someone I know outside of here will find these (idk why they'd be on this site to begin with - but you never know) and use them against me somehow, so I've cropped my head off.

Front view: sucked in (right) and not sucked in (left) - really not much of a difference there.

Side view: sucked in (right) and not sucked in (left)

Now I just need to get dressed and ready to go, because I'm going back to the university today to try and get my books. I will update later with how it goes. Wish me luck!


  1. Oh, now I can stop freaking out, thank you! :)

    I also want boobs! I'm fat and only have mosquitobites, haha..

  2. Wow! You look great! looove the underwear. I'm liquid fasting currently and am always amazed by your ability to water-fast. How do you do it? I find it impossible!


  3. *giddy*
    Cute undies! <3 can't wait until the next progress pics are up. Best thing in the world is when you notice a difference! From the side view, I can tell you're not as big as you think you are! :) :) you're going to be dazzling at the end of this fast
    160.2!!! Shit! Wow. That was quick!
    Boobs o:) teheheheheehe.

  4. You look great!! Congrats! And yeah, I think it was wise to crop your head out of the photos. We all appreciate your posting them (!!), but you have to be careful with photos because they're so easy to copy and post/email/text/whatever else.

    Hope school goes well! I'm guessing it starts in a few weeks?

  5. congrats on 160.2!!

    also, completely by accident, i read "i crapped my head off" and i was like ".....ew. XD" but like, yeah. CONGRATS!
