Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 16 of 28

My weight has done something strange and confusing. This morning I was 2 pounds heavier than yesterday, and this evening I was 2.6 pounds heavier. O.o I haven't eaten so I'm baffled. I may break my fast early tomorrow because I think it's getting to be a bit much with school. This afternoon I walked from the parking garage to my afternoon class all the way across campus only to find out it was canceled for the day, so I had to walk all the way back. I thought I was going to pass out. I'm also really tired of having dry mouth and nausea. I don't think I want to finish this as much as I thought when I started out. Sixteen days is pretty good, though, right? Thoughts, opinions, suggestions all welcome...


  1. It is very good, or bad depending on perspective. I would say you should break it, school is the most important thing, as is your health.

  2. that must have been really unmotivating for you! 16 days is absolutely amazing though and if the fast isn't treating you the way you should then of course you should stop! Most people do 28 days for a cleaning mind experience but your body is rejecting it, maybe restricting is better for your body personally

  3. If you don't feel like your body can take anymore, you should quit. Your health is more important. 16 days is amazing. Slowly ease out of your fast though, so you won't gain all of the weight back and it'll be easier on your body. But you probably already knew that. Just take care of yourself with whatever you decide to do.

  4. I agree with what everyone else said. You could also try doing some kind of juice/liquid diet. You really can't be passing out - you have so many responsibilities! Most people stay in bed all the time when they fast, so you've done an amazing job already. AND you've detoxed and cleansed your body!!

  5. 16 days is awesome and inspirational! Great job!! It's really hard to fast with school and stuff, and if it's making you ill then you should definitely stop. And you've lost sooooo much on the fast!! Congratulations! x

  6. 16 days is amazing, i cant even imagine 2 days fasting lol im too weak.
    If its getting too much to not eat and go to school at the same time then breaking the fast is a good idea. You've done soo well congrats :) xx
