Saturday, September 17, 2011

Live & Learn: Never Do This

Last night was fuckin' wild... like Hangover Part 1 without the farm animals in the room. Two of my friends came over and we met up with some other friends and did a bunch of cocaine and smoked some loud, and then me and one of my friends took 1/4 an oxy. About an hour later all three of us took an E pill each. NEVER do this!!! The friend who just took the E and the coke without the oxy was fine, but me and Bree were up puking all fucking night. We ended up going to Waffle House at like 5 am cuz none of us could sleep (and we laid there for about 3 hours trying), and then when we got back we were only able to sleep for a few hours before we were all awake and wired again. Now we're bout to go hit up my homeboy to get some more shit. Haha. I'm so fucked this weekend. On the bright side, I'm losing weight again. :) I may update later today or tomorrow. *deuces*


  1. I haven't watched the Hangover Part 1 yet :c
    ...doesn't sound like anything I'd like to do!
    Losing = best feeling ever. <3
    I can't wait to feel it again.

  2. And hopefully without a sunburnt friend on the roof :p

  3. I only know what the cocaine and E is haha. They don't sound like a perfect cocktail though. :P
    Yay for losing again! I'm jealous.
